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The puppies was born 02.02.2006 and they will be ready to move to new homes from 07.04.2006
All the puppies have now found new homes.

Tessy had 12 puppies, but 2 were dead and 1 was put to sleep, so we now have:

4 liver dogs, 3 black bitches and 2 liver bitches

Click here to see photos of the puppies and to follow them as they grow.

Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4 - Week 5 - Week 6 - Week 7 - Week 8 - Week 9

Presenting the puppies 5 weeks old

Leaving home

Mother is Kennel Oriana's bitch Tessy, who has moved in with us for at couple of months
to have Kennel Oriana's next litter at our place.

Tessy's correct name is:

Paper Moons Countess Oriana
Danish Champion, Norwegian Champion, Danish Kennel Club Winner 2005,
Danish Dalmatian Club Winner 2005.

Tessy is a happy and very trustful dalmatian, who does her best to please and make friends with everybody.

She has been in Holland and was mated to:

Spotnik's Special Selection (Selwyn)
International, Dutch, Belgian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Danish, Finish, Nordic, Great BritainChampion.
And World Champion and European Champion.

Selwyn is the most winning Dalmatian in Europe ever. He has a wonderful calm and wellbalanced temper and he is father to a lot of puppies and to many champions.

Kennel Oriana expects a lot from theese puppies both regarding temper and looks.




